Fuzzrocious Electric Ocean Review

Surf's up

Such is their namesake, the crew at Fuzzrocious knows their way around a fuzz circuit. From rolling through calm and subdued drives to beautifully disastrous clashes of buzz, the Fuzzrocious family of effects makes a name for themselves in all things distorted. Today's entry into the fuzzy fray comes in the form of the Electric Ocean – a fuzz and phaser combination pedal. With a truly unique setup and no shortage of colorful tones on tap, the Electric Ocean wades in for a new Fuzzrocious experience.

Turning Tonal Tides

The Electric Ocean's colorful art and streamlined interface give great indication at the playing experience at hand. This pedal is an effortlessly expressive device that covers plenty of tonal ground once hooked up. At the heart of the Electric Ocean is a silicon fuzz circuit and a six-stage OTA-driven phaser. Individually, each of these effects makes for excellent additions to any pedalboard. The magic of the Electric Ocean comes from all the angles you can explore it from and all the tonal places it can go. Perfectly balanced and straightforward, the Electric Ocean offers easy control over both its effects. Separate dedicated volume controls for the fuzz and phaser make mixing the Electric Ocean effortless. Broken down with one fuzz tone control and two phaser rate controls, finding your blend to jam along with couldn't be easier.

Catching Waves

Once engaged, the Electric Ocean is ready to follow along with any strumming, soloing, or shredding you're inclined to jump into. Part of the beauty of the playability of this pedal is in its effortless footswitching. With two phase speed controls, the Electric Ocean opens up an expressive modulating experience. Using its two speed controls, you can swap between two phasing speeds at the click of a footswitch. Set one speed control up and roll the other down to create awesome phasing sequences that ramp up and slow down back and forth. This interactivity makes the Electric Ocean a joy to jam along with when your song calls for wild, off-the-wall phasing, a slow burn, or both. The exceptional phasing capabilities of the Electric Ocean are only enhanced by a classic Fuzzrocious silicon fuzz. This fuzz circuit also shows great tonal flexibility to provide warm boosts at lower tone levels or sputtering sweetness at higher tone levels. The fuzz can be blended into your phasing mix or taken out altogether by its unique Fuzz On/Off switch. Any way you take on this effect combo, it's a treat.

Additional functions off the Electric Ocean include an effect order toggle which allows you to run the phaser into the fuzz or the fuzz into the phaser and an internal trimpot. The lengths you can go to with this effect to make it all your own are staggering.

Fuzzrocious Electric Ocean Final Thoughts

With the Electric Ocean, Fuzzrocious creates a unique new fuzzy voice to add to their prestigious lineup of pedals. The Electric Ocean produces unique voices to match up with any player looking to get adventurous with modulation and fuzz. Either way you slice this pedal, it's a catch. Take the plunge into fuzzy, modulated sweetness – but don’t forget to come up for air.